During a time of the year traditionally thought of as a chance to gather with friends and family to reflect on the things we are thankful for, I'd like to offer an additional opportunity to give thanks.
Last year, around this time, I wrote about one of the reasons all of us at Sound Telecom are thankful. I focused on our customers and how much they mean to us. Every word of it is true 365 days later, and if you want to read that post, here it is: Sound Telecom is Thankful. However, this year, I didn't want to just recycle those sames thoughts. This season, I would like to share another reason why we are thankful.
At Sound Telecom, we are thankful for each other. It really is a team environment here, and we know we need each other to not only get our own jobs done, but to provide the best service possible as a company. Whether it's covering a shift for a co-worker here or there, pitching in on special projects, or offering advice and coaching on areas for improvement, we've got the back of the person sitting next to us.
We also rely on each other to make sure we never go too long between smiles and laughs. As with any job, there are days that can be tougher than others, but we can always count on someone here to lift our spirits. Each person does their part to bring a unique energy into the workplace that contributes to the overall positive vibes that keep us going strong day in and day out.
So, while it is most certainly encouraged to spend time with your family and friends this time of year and reflect on/discuss what you are thankful for, I suggest taking a moment to do it at work, too. If you are thankful for the people you work with, take a moment to let them know. It can even be the smallest reason to say thanks, but come up with something for as many co-workers as you can and just let them know you are appreciative of their efforts.
We hope you all have an enjoyable holiday filled with good times, tasty food, and opportunities to be with those you are thankful for.